Lynda com iOS 7 SDK New Features 視頻教學 英文教學版
Bring your iOS development skills - and your applications - up to speed
with the new options in the iOS 7 SDK, including a new version of Xcode,
Xcode 5, and the biggest overhaul to the user interface since the release
of the original iPhone. Simon Allardice shows you how to create simpler
designs that emphasize the principles of clarity and flexibility in the
new UI, and add depth to your apps with translucency and layering. Plus,
learn about multitasking, the new Objective-C modules, 64-bit support in
the iPhone 5S, and new and updated frameworks for iOS 7.
Topics include:
* Working with automated configuration in Xcode
* Using asset catalogs
* Understanding color and space in the iOS 7 UI
* Adding and debugging Auto Layout constraints
* Adding background fetch support